In this Customer Story, we sat with Ons Ammam, a communication and content manager at Expensya, to learn more about their use of Joan Desk Booking app.
“Deploying Joan Desk Booking App allowed us to optimize our office space and gather statistics. We love how easy it is to add floors and buildings.” – Karim Jouini, CEO at Expensya
Meet Expensya
Expensya is a web and mobile solution that automates expense management – from payments to reimbursement. The platform covers all types of transactions from online purchases to general costs, expense reports, mileage, and so on.
They are currently servicing more than 5000 companies in over 100 countries. It’s an international, multilingual app, translated into eight languages.
For delivering the most value to their customers, they are leveraging different technologies such as the cloud, business intelligence and big data tools, and, you guessed it, Joan.
“Joan Desk Booking app is very intuitive and it does its job perfectly”
Expensya was Joan’s customer way before the pandemic hit. They already used and loved our meeting room booking devices.
“When we saw that you guys have the desk booking app, we tested it for a week and realized the app has met all our needs… so we just continued using it,” adds Ons.
According to Ons, the app is very easy to use, it does not require any technical skills, and can be used without prior training. Their team has complete autonomy when using it – no additional support is needed.
“I can also say that it improved our office experience by adopting a user-friendly booking app,” says Ons.
Expensya gained much-needed visibility of the office space use
With Joan Desk Booking solution, Expensya can easily track office capacity, which is very important with the current COVID guidelines.
“We know the exact number of employees, who worked from the office, we can take the necessary precautions, and have a quick response in the case of COVID.”
For visibility to work, it’s crucial to have everyone using the app. And that’s where another advantage of Joan Desk Booking app kicks in. There’s no need to waste time on the registration process. Expensya team members registered and log-in with their Office 365 account in a single click.
With the latest feature update, their team members can now book recurring desk bookings for the whole week, making it easier to plan and seamless to book.
“For me, it’s pretty simple. When I use Joan, I use it on my phone, – just book a place and that’s it,” concludes Ons.