8 Oct 2018

Popular tech YouTuber reviews Joan – the Internet breaks his schedule

Be it from his Linus Tech Tips, Techquickie, or TechLinked channel, Linus has probably popped up in your YouTube Homepage before. This particular Canadian YouTuber hosts various technology-oriented channels with a combined subscriber base of over 8 million users so, naturally, we decided to send him a Joan.

After receiving our Manager and Premium models, the Linus team first tested our 6-inch device to schedule the “best meeting n/a 2018” with a picture of Dick Butt as their logo placeholder. A feat, not even our developers thought of.

A second brilliant idea sprouted a web challenge. Booking a room. In his review for the Linus Tech Tips channel, Linus invites his viewers to try out Joan. The idea caught like wildfire. His calendar is already filled with events spanning through the next few years as some hundred (and counting!) tech enthusiasts started adding in meetings.

His schedule for today includes such fun activities like listening to Africa on repeat, attending the Sandals and Socks support group, testing the new office firepole, looking at Spooktober memes and, obviously, firing Colton (long-time team member who gets fired on a weekly basis for internal banter). Starting with January 26, 2020, Linus will reserve one hour a day to “regret the decision to allow people to post on his calendar”.

Thinking about joining the bandwagon? Go to calendar.google.com and add this link as a new calendar. Make sure your meeting description includes the words “Joan sent me here” ;).

We have successfully convinced Linus to replace his old door sign with one of our boards and put a 6-inch device next to all of the other rooms in his office.

The Aftermath

Joan can handle it!