While the primary function of Joan is booking meeting rooms, we want it to be as versatile as possible. In the end, every piece of office technology should be there to support your work to the greatest extent. That’s why all of our Joan devices support a functionality called Custom content. It can be managed within your Joan Portal and it’s a feature for expanding the utilization of Joan’s screen.
Since the Custom content can sound a bit abstract, we have gathered the most popular uses by our customers.
Wayfinding around the office
Hosting an important meeting or a conference is not easy. Especially when you’re on a tight schedule and would like for everyone to find the room on time. Often organizers tape papers with arrows, which can be easily overlooked in the office setting. With Joan, put wayfinding information wherever you need it the most. Joan on a stand can be featured in the middle of the room for everyone to see the info. Put arrows and additional information along the way so it’s clear from afar where your guests need to be.
Welcome message
Make your guests feel special. Entering an unknown building for an important meeting can be stressful as it is. Thus, finding a nice welcome message by the entrance (or even at the entrance of the room) will make them feel welcomed, and appreciated.
Company information
Showcase your latest achievements or a roadmap. Custom content allows you to create an information board with a short introduction to what you do and your achievements. When guests arrive, they’ll be able to read about your work straight away. Creating better conversation starters and understanding your goals.
Essential event information
Printing schedule and dispersing it around can be a complete nightmare. With custom content, you can easily display essential information such as a timetable for the day, lunch options, or any other additional information.
Customize one or all of your devices
Create Custom content only for one device, while the others remain sited at their original spots. Or just include them into the theme of the event and showcase a picture or a pattern on the whole screen. Here’s how to do it.
Custom content is a part of our Premium subscription plan. Test it out, for the first 30-days, it’s on us.