10 Nov 2022

Ahead of the Game: Conectys Chooses Joan

This month, we had the privilege to interview Stefan, the Chief Technology Officer at Conectys. A part of the Conectys’ team for over two years, Stefan oversees the IT, digital, and facility functions.

As you’ll learn, Stefan is a proactive leader, anticipating challenges before they occur. While most companies get stuck with a problem and then search for a solution, Stefan plans ahead. This time, his journey led him to Joan.

About Conectys

Conectys is a global Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) company headquartered in Romania. The company operates globally, with service delivery centers in The Philippines, Turkey, Poland, Portugal, USA, Belgium, Taipei, Egypt, and Columbia.

Conectys is in a period of exponential growth, greatly expanding its locations and staff. The company isn’t only growing in size, but by reputation too. Prestigious organizations trust Conectys with mission-critical customer support, technical support, and content moderation operations. Having won over 20 awards, Conectys received industry analyst recognition (Everest, Frost & Sullivan)  for Trust and Safety and Customer Experience Management operations. 

Despite the company’s expansion, Stefan describes the culture as a “friends and family atmosphere”.Most of Conectys’ management are homegrown and have been with the company for fifteen or more years. This continuity has fostered strong relationships and nurtured close ties among colleagues.

Search for the right booking system

For the most part, Conectys runs on a hybrid work model with optional on-site days. The company also facilitates frequent client and prospects meetings at its sites.

“The right facilities, engaging environment and redundant infrastructure are a testament to our employee's and client success commitment”

Ergonomic desks for employees, adequate meeting spaces, meeting rooms, phone booths, and other resources are all key to delivering high-touch, outsourced customer experience and trust and safety services.

Stefan anticipated that with more and more employees returning to the office, and partner visits increasing in number, the company needed to manage its meeting rooms' infrastructure proactively before they became a problem. Where most companies invest in a meeting room management system to solve a problem, Stefan was ahead of the game: “prepare for winter during the summer.”

In an office full of glass walls with no attractive options for wiring and cables, their options were limited. Seamless synchronization to Office 365 and Microsoft Teams was a top requirement for Conectys’ meeting room management system. Lastly, the price was a factor. Stefan was intent on a cost-effective solution that his team could integrate throughout their offices.

Luckily, Joan fit the bill. Working with Romservice, one of Joan’s resellers, Conectys’ office was soon outfitted with Joan displays. To date, the company’s offices now house six Joan 6 Pro and one Joan 13 displays.


The Joan family

The Joan e-paper family of devices are the most power-efficient displays on the market. They're so power-effective that they can run for months to a year on a single charge. Running solely off a battery, the devices are virtually wireless and can be mounted on any surface — even glass.

What’s more, Joan devices sync seamlessly with in-house calendars. Connecting over WiFi, Joan wireless displays update in real-time, making sure each room’s display is up to date with the latest schedule.

With a lower price tag than most of the competition, plus unparalleled longevity, Joan displays are notably cost-effective and don’t make a dent in the electricity bill. Made of top-quality and sustainable materials, the devices look sleek and modern in any work environment.

Still, Stefan’s favorite features surpassed the company’s wishlist. The CTO particularly enjoys how easy to use and customizable the Joan user interface is. Conectys logo and branding have been incorporated into every Joan device, adding to the professional feel of their office spaces. Plus, the e-paper displays add a timeless class to the office.

“Clients will see our logo there, it's very, very nice.”

Practically no onboarding necessary

While Stefan made Joan happen, it was really the whole team who made the decision. This way, everyone was on board with the change and in the loop of how Joan works.

Overall, the Joan meeting room displays were a great success. Stefan was pleased to report that the devices synced smoothly with the team’s in-house calendar software, Office 365. Conectys’ employees appreciated the clarity the devices gave them, smoothing out the meeting room experience:

“People like the look and feel, and the effortless, transparent way of booking meeting rooms.”

Joan 13 

Adding another level of clarity to the office experience, a Joan 13 display rests at the office’s main reception center. This display shows room schedules and other information to keep the office running as smoothly as possible. Each time someone reserves a room via a Joan 6 touchscreen or Office 365, the schedule updates in real time on the Joan 13 screen.


Joan goes global

With the help of Joan’s worldwide network of distributors, Conectys aims to spread Joan devices throughout more of their office spaces worldwide. The consistent setup will help create a familiar feel for employees who travel between the offices, plus make it easier for IT to stay on top of office technology.

Thanks to the steady and reliable support from Joan, plus the intuitive UI of Joan displays, Stefan is steaming ahead with confidence. Undoubtedly, Joan was a winning solution for Conectys’ office spaces.

Contact our sales team if you also want to avoid (or solve) your meeting room challenges.