We’ve introduced you to the philosophy behind why conference room names are important and how you can add additional information to room descriptions with Joan.
Now let’s see how some of our Joan users are naming their office spaces in practice.
Indigenous room names: respecting one’s history
Our Canadian friends at Photon Control, a leading supplier of fiber optic temperature and position measurement technologies, have chosen names and phrases that pay homage to First Nations who’ve lived in British Colombia for over 10,000 years.
Their large boardroom is called Orca. Like a well-attuned team, these beautiful killer whales live in groups and hunt cooperatively. Ergo, the room’s name instills in its occupants the spirit of collaboration and comradeship.
In Photon Control’s Orca room there’s also a one-of-a-kind wood artwork, which is a mash-up of other room names, like Eagle, Spirit Bear, etc.
Inspirational room names reflect your values
Located in the same country but belonging to an entirely different industry, our buddies at CAMH have also struck the perfect room-naming note.
The message of Canada’s largest mental health and addiction teaching hospital is clear: raise awareness, challenge prejudice, and advocate for public policies that support mental health. Their room names reflect these values spectacularly.
If you’re a student on a psychology residency, what better room to have your training in than a room called Balance or Joy. Same goes for trainers – room names like Clarity and Perception are a constant reminder of why they booked a lecture there.
Rooms names that connect people at the office and beyond
Over to Europe. Our pals at Lyreco Germany have very appropriately taken their room naming game to an international level.
Ranking among the top worldwide distributors of workplace supplies, it was only logical for this organization to name their office spaces after major cities, like Hong Kong, Berlin, London, Paris, Copenhagen, etc.
This connecting theme can positively motivate the company’s employees and management. Moreover, it goes very well with their motto – Working together for Tomorrow. And as Olaf Dubbert, QSS-Manager at Lyreco, said: “It is nice to see how close together the cities of different countries and cultures are on our Joan Board. Let’s make sure this is kept in the real world.”
Famous names empower the room and those in it
Back across the Pond now to our chums at Gotcha, creators of customized mobility and media programs. These guys have a framed poster of a celebrity in each of their office rooms, so they decided to name them as such using Joan.
Just imagine. The Oprah Winfrey Room will make you wonder if there’ll be a present under your seat after the meeting. The Beyoncé Room is bound to help you hit the high notes. The Bill Murray Room will make sure nothing gets lost in translation, while the Samuel L. Jackson and Bruce Willis rooms are guaranteed to make you work hard.
A great idea of how to get those creative and cooperative juices pumping!

Photon Control, a leading supplier of fiber optic temperature and position measurement technologies, have chosen names and phrases that pay homage to First Nations who’ve lived in British Colombia for over 10,000 years.
What’s your favorite room-naming theme at the office? Send your answers, pictures, and suggestions to info@getjoan.com or tag us on our social media.