6 Sep 2023

How The Event Pilots is streamlining meeting room management with Joan

The Event Pilots is a prominent organizer of corporate and business events. They operate in the same building as their sister company, Eventronics, which specializes in event technology. As a company that is constantly working with clients they encountered a few problems with management of their meeting spaces - and they turned to Joan's room booking solution to solve them.


Challenges The Event Pilots faced

Challenge #1: Meeting room hogging

The Event Pilots has multiple meeting rooms, yet they were all too often occupied - and not by people holding meetings. 

“Our open area can be a bit busy and noisy. So people moved to the meeting rooms just to have their calls. People also moved there for focused work. And we didn't have a way to say: ‘Now that you don’t have a call you need to get out,” says Sven Vanhemmens, CEO of The Event Pilots.

This resulted in a shortage of available meeting rooms and decreased productivity.


Challenge #2: Coordinating two organizations and external clients in one space

Operating alongside their sister company Eventronics, The Event Pilots faced the added complexity of coordinating shared spaces of two distinct organizations. Their initial shared agenda wasn’t working across their two tenants.

Additionally, accommodating external clients who came to their offices required efficient management of available spaces for client meetings, presentations, and digital events.

They needed an efficient room booking system and soon!

Why The Event Pilots chose Joan

The Event Pilots had already heard about Joan before their problems arose and were interested in the product. However, as any resourceful company would, they still assessed various solutions in the market. They were considering factors such as cost, ease of use, and compatibility with their organizational structure.

Here are the 3 main reasons why The Event Pilots chose Joan:

1. Cable-free design

“Other systems needed power and cable network. That was an issue. A cable-free design was key because we are in a new building. There are many glass walls, which makes it impossible to integrate more cables,” says Sven.

2. Simplicity

Joan's intuitive app and user-friendly interface made it accessible to everyone in the company. Everybody knew how to use Joan straight away.

3. Affordability
“While Joan wasn’t the cheapest solution, its affordable price was one of the main reasons for our decision to go with it,” says Sven.

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Immediate positive feedback and impact

The initial feedback from the employees really highlighted Joan's simplicity and ease of use, which was crucial to ensure its adoption.

“The team said it’s super easy to use. And that's the only thing I wanted to hear. Because otherwise, they wouldn’t use it. And my colleague who installed Joan also said it was super easy,” says Sven.

The Event Pilots immediately experienced the benefits of using Joan, streamlined their booking process, and started using their spaces more efficiently.

“We resolved the issue of hogged meeting rooms, and people complaining there are no meeting rooms available. When you need a meeting room and there’s one available, you just click on the device to book it. It’s so easy. For now, our meeting room problems are solved,” says Sven.

Future plans: Using Joan for visitor management

The Event Pilots is considering further utilization of Joan's features - especially the visitor management system. They are planning to digitize their reception area and are even thinking of integrating Joan with their exhibition stands. This expansion would enable them to efficiently manage client visits during events and exhibitions.

Joan's user-friendly design and practical features effectively addressed The Event Pilots' meeting room challenges. By choosing Joan, they achieved optimal room utilization, streamlined the booking process, and created a more productive and organized work environment. If you're seeking a solution to your meeting room challenges, reach out to Joan's sales team and see how Joan can benefit your company.